I know, I know: In Boulder you never know until you know ... but, could it be that we get through the spring without a massive snowstorm or deep freeze that kills off all but the hardiest fruit? Don't want to jinx any of this, but our peach tree … [Continue reading]
Paolo Bacigalupi’s ‘The Drowned Cities’ is a harrowing, but thoughtful, novel

If you think "The Hunger Games" is a little rough for young readers, Paolo Bacigalupi's new young adult novel "The Drowned Cities" is going to feel like a hard boot to the belly. It's a harrowing, thoughtful tale of two urchins trying to … [Continue reading]
Health care choices boil down to three
The stampede of media interest in the critical issue of health care policy in the United States has once again gone dormant -- what "issues of the day" don't, any more? -- now that the lawyers have fled the Supreme Court chambers. Count on the whole … [Continue reading]
Planning for the end of life, Part 2
After the Camera ran last week's column, "End of Life, Part 1," I was deeply moved and gratified by the many responses I received from readers. Many of them told personal stories -- some positive, some disastrous, all heartbreaking -- about … [Continue reading]
Planning for the end of life, part 1
It was a nightmare Rick, his wife, and their family thought they had guarded against. But after Rick's father in law became short of breath and an ambulance arrived, the Parker, Colo., family was dragged down into America's maddening morass of … [Continue reading]